What can be said at all can be said clearly, and what we cannot talk about we must pass over in silence.—Wittgenstein
Stand back, we’re on a mission from God!—The Blues Brothers
And the whole earth is of one language, and of one speech.
On a mountain high, a silent castle sits. Its three topless towers effortlessly touch the sky. In the main bedroom, in a king-size bed, white-bearded God the Father sleeps.
A late morning. At the feet of the castle, two tall men can be seen standing, strong shoulder to shoulder. Clad in fine suits. Carrying samurai swords. One man has a golden fish pinned to the lapel of his jacket, the other man, very feminine-looking, a diamond dove.
Both men seem to be leaning forward as they shoot their eyes down onto a pasture not far in the valley below, where Joe Rogan, Jordan B. Peterson, Dr. Robert Malone, Alex Jones, Andrew Tate, Julian Assange, Dave Rubin, Matt Walsh, Matt Taibbi, “Dr.” nurse John Campbell, Milo Yiannopoulos, Peter A. McCullough, Russell Brand, Douglas Murray, Konstantin Kisin, Roger Waters, the Lex Fridman bot, Whitney Webb, Taylor Swift, Edward Snowden, James O’Keefe, Sam Harris, Ben Shapiro, Glenn Beck, Bret and Eric Weinsteins, and Miles Mathis are chewing green.
The man with the fish draws the sword and says: Let us run down and fuck that Joe Rogan.
The man with the dove replies: We’ll walk down and fuck all of them.
Sometime in October 2021, I had only a single phrase in my head for a few days, and walked around with it, and saw that it was good. And so, I built a whole little story ‘round that phrase, using up a memory of a joke a friend told me a decade earlier.
The joke was about a papa bull and his son who wanted to bang a cow.
The phrase was “fuck that Joe Rogan”.
The text was first published here in February 2023, but the draft, including some names, was first penned in November 2021.
Since the publishing, a few more names of other Cognitive Operators have been added.